
the Sanskrit word for breath, the “life force”

Prana, a wellness program that has 'YOU' at the centre to discover the interactions of Your inside world with the outside world. The history of wellness right from the ancient Roman period to Hippocrates and Greek wellness, the learnings from Taoism, Buddhism, Yoga and Ayurvedic texts, all speak about the relevance of universal harmony to activate the life force! Through a vibrant curriculum of nature, culture, linguistics, food, festivals, living spaces, yogic studies etc., we explore the possibilities of drawing a human-ecosystem equilibrium, the UNIVERSAL WELLNESS.

Course Price Categories

  • Fundamentals | $7

    Rooted in exploration, self-reflection, awareness & connection, these are introductory engagements into the myriad aspects of Universal Wellness.

  • Indulge | $14

    Courses include video-based lessons, thought exercises, reflection practices; with a well-researched and carefully curated flow to ensure a comprehensive and rich learning experience.

  • Dive-in | $25

    Premium content, with deep engagement in the core elements of the course through video-based lessons hosted by course authors with instructional and demonstration lessons.

You may subscribe to the entire Prana Curriculum for a limited period, or explore Courses individually, based on your specific interests!

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Some of our course partners

Place of Breath

Prana is a universal wellness initiative by Worldview