. . . consider this . . .

  • If all of nature's services and resources were priced monetarily, how much in debt might we already be?

  • Do we really pay the total cost for the coffee we drink?

  • If every single person lived a life-style like yours, how many earths do you think we might need to sustain human-life on this planet?

Ideas to Uncover in the Course

  • Discover how many earths it would take to accommodate our current lifestyles

  • Calculate individual resource consumption & it's environmental impact

  • Familiarise with 'Zero Day' stories from around the world

  • Stories of sustainability from companies

The Curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to the Course

    • Introduction to the Course

  • 2

    The Imperfect Earthling!

    • Do you fit on this Planet?

    • How much Nature do we have? How much do we use? : Mathis Wackernagel

    • Are we Living in Debt?

    • Environmental Debt, The Hidden Costs of a Changing Global Economy : Amy Larkin

    • What kind of an Earthling do you Wish to Be?

    • Additional Resource | #MoveTheDate

  • 3

    Do we Pay Bills?

    • Being Sherlock: In search of Footprints!

    • A World Without Water: Are We Ready For It?

    • Additional Resources

  • 4

    Traveling Back in Time

    • Approaching Day Zero: Stories from around the World

    • How Cape Town's Residents Are Surviving the Water Crisis—For Now | National Geographic

    • Most Polluted Major City On Earth | Delhi, India

    • Why Noise Pollution Is More Dangerous Than We Think: The Backstory | The New Yorker

    • ToxiCity: Life at Agbobloshie, the World's largest E-waste Dump in Ghana

  • 5

    Are you the Product?

    • Getting Consumed by the Ecosystem: NEWS

    • Getting Consumed by the Ecosystem: Movie Theatres

    • Additional Resource | You are the Product

  • 6

    Moving on the Scale

    • Where are you on the Scale?

    • Additional Resources: How Companies are trying to Fight Climate Change

  • 7


    • Life-Span: A simple film for a complex future | Nitin Das

    • Closing Thoughts & Reflections