. . . consider this . . .

  • Do you think an irregular looking potato is less nutritious than a perfectly shaped potato?

  • Would you think that how we cook, plate and chew our food has a direct impact on our experience of a meal?

  • Quality, quality, quality! Ever wondered if our perception of what 'good quality ingredients' is, could be contributing to food waste?

Ideas to Uncover in the Course

  • An exploration of human experience and perspectives about appearance in food.

  • An experiment in mindfulness with food preparation and consumption.

The Curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction to Course

  • 2

    The Perfect Potato

    • Who is this Potato!

    • Would you Pay for it?

    • What makes Produce Good Quality?

    • Ugly Food: A Solution to Food Wastage?

    • What dictates your choice of food?

    • Inglorious Fruits & Vegetables

    • Disco Soup

    • Additional Resources

  • 3

    Cooking & Plating for Self

    • Mindfulness in the Mundane

    • Eating with our Eyes

    • What Occasion calls for this

    • Why save the Best only for the Guest!

    • Additional Resources

  • 4


    • Closing Thoughts and Reflections