. . . consider this . . .

  • What's a recipe that has survived several generations in your family? What might be the story behind it for it to have been passed down all these years?

  • There is almost always a story, a memory and a farmer behind your comfort food.

  • Could 'cooking' be an activity rooted deeply within our identities? Could it be a way of connecting with our community, landscape, or culture?

Ideas to Uncover in the Course

  • Discovering your personal relationship with food.

  • Diving deep into your memories of food and trying to unpack the different elements that string these memories together

  • Revel in family history through stories of food

The Curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction to the Course

  • 2

    Stories of Family & Food

    • A Breakfast Ritual Story

    • Family Recipes

    • Stories that feed our Recipes

    • Food Memories are Sensory Memories

    • Additional Resources

  • 3

    The Ancestral Recipe Collective

    • Ecology & Food Ancestry

    • The Ancestral Recipe Collective

    • Additional Resources

  • 4


    • Closing Thoughts & Reflections