. . . consider this . . .

  • What do you think might have been the origin of festivals in human history?

  • Do you connect with your native festivals?

  • Do you see any symbolism of plants and animals in the celebration of your cultural festivals?

Ideas to Uncover in the Course

  • Discover how human celebration of festivals are mapped with cycles of nature

  • Re-discover and re-connect with the ecological & cultural history of human festivities

Guided Learning with Dr. Alessandro Testa

Next Session, coming soon!

About the Course Author

Dr. Alessandro Testa is Senior Researcher and Assistant Professor at the Institute of Sociological Studies, Charles University, Prague, where he also leads the “ReEnchEu” research project. Trained in history, ethnology, and religious studies at the Universities of Florence, Rome, Paris, and Messina, he received his PhD in Social Anthropology in 2013.

The Curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction to the Course

  • 2

    What is Festive Ecology?

    • Introduction to Festive Ecology by Dr. Alessandro Testa

  • 3

    Civic and Religious Festivals

    • Reflection: Bouquet of Quotes

    • Introduction to Civic Festivals

    • Introduction to Religious Festivals

    • Additional Resource: Doing Research on Festivals- Cui Bono?

  • 4

    Living with the Elements – Festivals of Fire

    • Learning from Case Studies

    • La Patum | Catalunya, Spain

    • Agni Keli | Mangalore, India

    • La Ndocciata | Agnone, Italy

  • 5

    Living with the Cycles of Nature – Winter Festivals (Carnivals)

    • Learning from Case Studies

    • Carnival of Lantz | Basque Countries, Spain

    • Gl’ Cierv | Castelnuovo al Volturno, Italy

    • Masopust | Studnice, Czech Republic

  • 6

    Living with our Fellows, the Animals – Festive Traditions and the Animals

    • Learning from Case Studies

    • Festa di Sant’Antonio | Cocullo, Italy

    • Festival of May | Pietrapertosa, Italy

    • Tumpek Kandang | Bali, Indonesia

  • 7

    Your Relationship with Festivals

    • Share your story- A message from Alessandro Testa

  • 8


    • Closing Thoughts & Reflections