. . . consider this . . .

  • When was the last time you consciously felt the Ground beneath your feet?

  • Do your feet look like shoes?

  • Could foot health be one of the significant impactors of your physiological health?

Ideas to Uncover in the Course

  • Learning to understand our foot health and its significance

  • Practicing techniques for balance, increasing toe movement & spaces

  • Recognising problems that start due to poor foot health

  • Learning to correct Femur positioning and Flatfoot

About the Course Author

James Connolly is a Wales-born, Australia-based lifestyle transformation specialist who spent the first 9 years of his health career helping actors, models and high-flying professionals achieve the body and health they want and need, both in London and around the globe. Qualified as a Personal Trainer, Pilates Instructor, Kettlebell Instructor, Nutrition Coach, and Mobility Specialist, JC has developed a system and assessment protocol which allows him to identify postural and movement dysfunctions which are causing and contributing to pain and poor movement patterns. ​Having relocated to Australia with his amazing wife and beautiful baby daughter, JC’s now working with people across 4 continents both in-person and online to help them live happier, healthier, and pain-free lives. Working from the ground up, with all aspects of his client’s wellness needs; Sleep, Eat, Move, Repeat (mindset), JC uses a simple approach to help his clients achieve their best self.

The Curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction to the Course

  • 2

    Why Focus on Feet first?

    • The Importance of Feet

    • Anatomy

    • Structure

    • Barefoot Basics

  • 3

    How to Mobilise your Feet?

    • Foot Health 101

  • 4

    Addressing common foot problems

    • Lower Leg Health 101

    • Managing Plantar Fasciitis

    • Flat Footedness

    • Flat Footedness Management

    • Managing Narrowing and Aching Feet

  • 5

    Addressing common lower body problems

    • Lower Body Health 101

    • Explaining Stacking and Knee Femur Position

    • Explaining Dorsiflexion and Tibialis Release

  • 6

    Surface exposure and natural footwear

    • Learning to Stand before you Walk

  • 7

    How to strengthen your feet

    • Strong Feet in 3 Weeks

    • Strengthening your Feet - Week 1

    • Strengthening your Feet - Week 2

    • Strengthening your Feet - Week 3

  • 8


    • A message from James Connolly

    • Closing Thoughts & Reflections

Partners & Collaborators