. . . consider this . . .

  • Humans have always been on the move. Aren't we all migrants in a sense then? Do you consider yourself a migrant?

  • Have you had a conversation with a refugee, what might you want to ask and share with one who has had to flee their home land?

  • Will "Being Human" ever be enough to treat others as equals?

Ideas to Uncover in the Course

  • Tread briefly on human migration and reflect over migration choices in the present world via stories

  • Reflect on the impact of migration on Culture, Language, Food and Economy

  • Ponder over the idea of 'human' as one race despite differences in cultures and nationalities

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction to the Course

    • Always on the Move

    • A Story-teller going back in Time

    • Migration over Time

  • 2

    Lend Me a Ear: Stories of Migration

    • Story I: A tale of Seasonal Migration

    • Story II: Fleeing my Motherland

    • Story III: Moving for a Better Life

  • 3

    Adapting owing to Movement

    • Who am I ?

    • Say Cheese ! | Family Activity

    • Language Histories

    • Food Trails

    • Economy

    • Additional Resources

  • 4

    Human Race, a Unified Entity

    • Looking beyond Nationalities

    • What now. Where from here.

    • Additional resources

  • 5


    • Closing Thoughts and Reflections