. . . consider this . . .

  • ''There is a crack in everything, that is how the light gets in.'' Look around you, when was the last time you looked at something imperfect and found beauty in it?

  • If Life, Death & Decay are all stages in a cycle of the larger life on earth, what really is permanent?

  • Do you think taking a stroll around your neighbourhood, observing and paying attention to the environment could have a positive impact on your mind?

Ideas to Uncover in the Course

  • Uncover and observe the philosophy of Wabi-Sabi

  • Acknowledging & befriending imperfection & impermanence

  • Practice using art creation as a means to develop connection with nature

The Curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction to the Course

    • Uncovering Wabi Sabi

    • Reflection | A Walk, in time

  • 2

    Embracing Wabi Sabi

    • The Wabi Sabi in our Lives

    • Observe

    • Beauty

    • Transience

    • Process

  • 3

    Wabi Sabi in Nature

    • Phases of Life in Nature

    • Birth of Life & Death

    • Reflection | The Last Sense

    • Decay of Life-form

    • Additional Resources

  • 4

    Wabi Sabi in Art

    • Art Practice I | Creating a Nature Mandala

    • Art Practice II | Making Natural Paint & Dyes

  • 5


    • Closing Thoughts & Reflections